Sunday, 18 March 2007


In the early years commercial use of the internet was forbidden becasuse the definition ofcommercial use was inclear but UUCP net and x.25 had no restrictions, this would lead to the barring of UUCPnet of ARPANET andNSFnet.
During the late 80's the first ISPs were formed. The first dial-up ISP opended up in 1989 ( Universtiys were not impressed with this because there was non-educational use of their networks going on. Eventually, commercial ISPs brought prices low enough so schools could afford to have further researched education.
In 1990 ARPANET was overtaken and replaced by newer network technology. In 1994 NSFnet was renamed ANSNET (Advanced Networks and Services) and was allowing non profit company access, so it lost its backbone of the internet. Regional NAPs (Network Access Points) was the primary interconnections between the many networks and the final commercial restictions ended.

(Click to enlarge)

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